Varför står det inte vad produkterna är bra för??

Why doesn't it say what the products are good for??

The Swedish Food Agency, the Social Welfare Board, the EU etc. have numerous rules and regulations that regulate what you can and cannot say about various dietary supplements. This is good in many ways, but it becomes problematic when, despite the fact that there are several published studies on the products about how and when they can be used to support health, we are not allowed to write this if the study is not approved by the regulations of the above bodies. We are not allowed to write that it supports one or the other, either, unless they have approved the wording on that particular subject in their own regulations.

This means that it can be a little difficult for the individual to know what might suit one's situation. A tip is to think about what the product is called, it can give an indication of what the product is intended for. Eg PYLOguard, WheatRescue, MegaMUCOSA.

If you want more guidance/info about the various products, I can help you. Contact me at and write your question and I will answer as soon as I can.

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