Top notch products and holistic services for optimal health with focus on the gut, skin and brain!
Supplements and products that are backed up with published studies and research on the end product. When you shop in this store, you know you're buying quality:-)
More about SIV™
SIV Serum
For SIV serumBrand new on the Swedish market. With spore bacteria that balance the skin and reduce irritation etc.
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Podcast with microbiologist, researcher and lecturer Kiran Krishnan
Pod on leaky gut etc Oct-23
Interesting interview for those who want to know more about the intestine! In English with Swedish summary.
Click on the picture!
Interesting interview in English for those interested in gut health, what causes leaky gut and what can be done to heal it.
Pod on different bacteria, barriers etc. Part 1. Sept-24
Part 1 of the latest podcast at 4Health where microbiologist Kiran Krishnan talks about the role of bacteria throughout the body, different barriers and how to strengthen these different systems.
In this part 1, he goes through SIBO, IBS, bacteria in the lungs and mouth, and not least the role of the liver in healing.
Pod part 2 on barriers, brain, skin etc Sept-24
Kiran Krishnan leaky skinReleased on 14/9-24
Very interesting and exciting about how, among other things, skin that is dry, irritated etc. lets bacteria through which in turn can cause low-grade inflammation throughout the body! How do you handle this?
SIV™ Biome Balancing Serum